Aro Family

Before discovering our son’s allergies, we were blissfully unaware of the multitude of unnatural ingredients infiltrating our daily lives. The revelation that our son was consuming products that were essentially harming him struck us like a bolt of lightning. It was a moment of profound awakening, and all we yearned for was to restore his health.

The memories of those harrowing days in the ICU continue to haunt my thoughts, especially when our son, Keegan, falls ill. However, this journey has not only been about Keegan’s well-being but also about transforming the health of our entire family. Neither my husband, Nick, nor I had a history of food allergies or intolerances, or at least we had never been officially tested for them. Consequently, it never crossed our minds that our first child, Keegan, would be allergic to a common ingredient found in countless store-bought foods – soy.

Keegan’s diagnosis sent us on a quest for knowledge. We delved into the intricacies of food allergies and the immune system, scouring the internet for information and guidance. The challenge was not just identifying foods that didn’t contain soy but also finding alternative products free from this allergen. While soy allergies appeared somewhat common, the resources for suitable alternatives were frustratingly elusive.

Thus began our meticulous examination of every food item we purchased at the store. This scrutiny extended to household products like all-purpose cleaners, hand and shower soaps, shampoo, makeup, perfumes, and colognes, among others. What unfolded was a revelation – we had been living our lives in ignorance. Our bodies had silently protested against some of the products we used, and what we had considered “normal” was far from “natural.” In retrospect, our bodies had likely been resenting our choices for years.

Transitioning to this new “natural” lifestyle while raising a family and managing the relentless demands of work, laundry, dishes, baby bottles, meal preparation, store runs, and the desperate pursuit of an hour’s sleep was anything but easy. Yet, it was undeniably possible.

Since that fateful January in 2020, we’ve embarked on an incredible learning journey that is still ongoing. Through this blog, we aim to share our experiences, with the hope that those in search of advice or relatable narratives find solace in knowing they are not alone. We’re here to offer support and guidance in navigating a more natural lifestyle – one that is not only healthier but also affordable.

As we continue to adapt and grow, we invite you to join us on this transformative journey towards a more natural and vibrant life.

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