
On January 16th, 2020, our world was abruptly turned upside down when our beloved son faced a health crisis that would forever alter the course of our lives. This is the story of that pivotal moment, our journey through uncertainty, and the newfound understanding that led us to a healthier, more conscious lifestyle.

A Frightening Call and a Swift Decision

The day began like any other, as we dropped our son off at daycare. However, a mid-morning call from the daycare center sent our hearts racing. Our son was not himself, the teacher reported, and we needed to retrieve him immediately. Trusting our instincts, my wife Taylor left work, determined to take him to the safest place she could think of – Children’s Hospital.

The Initial Diagnosis

Upon arrival at the hospital, our world grew even more bewildering. The initial diagnosis was influenza, but as fate would have it, a shift change in the emergency room would bring a new perspective. The incoming doctor sensed that something was amiss, and the decision was made to extend Keegan’s stay for further observation. Hours passed, and his condition worsened dramatically. His heart rate soared to alarming levels, and his oxygen levels plummeted to 76 saturation, refusing to rise.

A Desperate Transfer

As night fell, the ER doctor made a crucial decision – Keegan needed to stay overnight for continuous monitoring. However, the Children’s Hospital North campus was bustling, and resources were strained. The best course of action was to transfer Keegan to the main campus in Denver.

A Fight for Breath

Upon arrival at the Denver campus, it was evident that Keegan’s condition was deteriorating rapidly. His struggle for breath was agonizing to witness. A test measuring his lung function painted a grim picture – his lungs strained to draw in air, constricted by thick mucus. Desperate measures were taken as a deep chest suction was performed to clear his airways. Keegan was placed on an oxygen mask, and a BiPAP machine became his lifeline, his only means of breathing. This whirlwind of events unfolded astonishingly fast for our once-typical 18-month-old.

Hourly Prayers and Slow Progress

With each passing hour, we clung to hope, praying for an improvement in Keegan’s oxygen levels. Thankfully, our prayers were answered. By the second night, he was liberated from the BiPAP machine, relying solely on nasal tubes for oxygen. His energy, though diminished, showed signs of resurgence, enough for him to express his choice of movies. By the third day, his oxygen continued to climb, and the supplemental oxygen required began to dwindle. Continuous monitoring was still a necessity, but a glimmer of normalcy emerged.

The Unwavering Children’s Hospital Team

The team of doctors and nurses at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado played an indispensable role in our son’s battle against this mysterious illness. Each morning, they held an update meeting outside Keegan’s room, ensuring that we were always informed and engaged. Their dedication was nothing short of remarkable.

Unraveling the Mystery

In the end, the diagnosis would reveal RSV, bronchiolitis, and hand coronavirus as the culprits behind Keegan’s rapid decline. However, the swift manner in which these viruses took hold of our son remained a bewildering enigma.

A Surprising Revelation

Six weeks later, Keegan fell ill again, albeit not severely enough to necessitate hospitalization. Our doctor, concerned by the frequency of his illnesses, suggested that an underlying condition might be at play. To our astonishment, we were referred to an allergist. Allergies were not something we had initially considered, as Keegan did not exhibit the typical allergic reactions like hives. However, the allergy test would reveal a startling truth – Keegan was allergic to all soy and peanuts, with a mild sensitivity to gluten and seasonal allergies.

The Impact of Allergies on Immunity

Our doctor explained that these allergies could potentially compromise Keegan’s immune system, diverting its resources to combat allergens rather than building immunity against common viruses. It was an eye-opener – food allergies, seemingly innocuous, could weaken the immune system and render even the common cold a severe threat.

The Start of a New Lifestyle

With this revelation, we returned home and began scrutinizing the ingredients of every product we consumed or bought. To our shock, soy was omnipresent, lurking in nearly every item in our pantry. The timing was unfortunate, as it coincided with the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, with grocery stores struggling to keep their shelves stocked. However, we were resolute – our son would not suffer like this again.

A Mission to Share

Our quest for a soy-free and peanut-free lifestyle led us to extensive research. While peanut-free options were relatively easy to find, soy-free alternatives proved elusive. This, among other reasons, prompted us to start this blog. Through our journey, we’ve learned which items to avoid, and which brands offer soy-free products. We are passionate about sharing this knowledge, so others navigating similar challenges can find guidance and support.

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