
The rapid evolution of social media has been nothing short of remarkable. It has bridged gaps, connected communities, and transformed lives in ways we could never have imagined. Our story is a testament to the incredible power of social media, which not only connected us with a global community but also sparked a profound transformation in our lives.

The Hamster Wheel of Health

Without social media, we might still be trapped in a never-ending cycle, desperately searching for answers to our family’s health issues. We spent thousands of dollars on products promising one thing on the front label, only to discover the harsh truth when we turned them over and read the ingredients—products laden with toxins.

Our wake-up call came on a fateful day when our son was hospitalized. That pivotal moment changed everything, igniting a burning desire within both Nick and me to redefine what we put into and onto our bodies.

Discovering Young Living: A Why Unveiled

My husband often asked me why I wanted to embark on the Young Living journey. Until now, I couldn’t provide a clear answer. At first, it was a quest for holistic ways to alleviate stress and perhaps earn a little extra income along the way, even if it took years to achieve. Little did I know that I was destined for something more significant—a path as an entrepreneur.

Listening to the wisdom of two incredible women, Lindsay Teague Moreno and Sarah Harnisch, I learned the importance of having a “why” on the path to success in entrepreneurship. For years, I had convinced myself that I was destined to work for someone else because I lacked the courage to take risks and become the person I had always aspired to be—a BOSS!

Awakening and Acceptance

It was on December 13, 2021, that a profound realization struck me like a lightning bolt. I had been wrong about myself all along. I had spent six years working for various companies, and while I am grateful for the experience, it was time to embrace what I believe I was placed on this earth to do. No more excuses. No more holding back.

My “Why” Revealed

So, why do I embark on this journey with Young Living? It’s simple yet deeply meaningful. I want to be the beacon, the red flag that raises your awareness that you can attain chemical, financial, and time freedom while still working your full-time job, whether you love it or not. It’s about shifting perspectives and dispelling the misconception that a cleaner, greener life is an expensive, stereotypical hippie lifestyle.

Why Not?

Why not join me in raising that middle finger to the big corporations that sell you products promising cleanliness while their labels caution against breathing them in or consuming them because they are harmful to your health and your family’s well-being?

We are eternally grateful for the leap my husband and I took with Young Living, and we invite you to consider taking the leap too. If you’re interested in learning more or taking your first step towards a healthier, more empowered life, click here or leave a comment below.

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