Keegan & Everly

In May 2021, our daughter Everly entered the world, and our son Keegan’s life changed in ways we couldn’t fully comprehend at the time. Parenthood suddenly became a juggling act, and giving both kids quality time with mommy and daddy became a challenge. The mom guilt hit us hard. Keegan had been our only child for almost three years, and while we knew a sibling would be a wonderful addition, the transition was, and still is, a bit rocky. Looking back, I wish I had asked more experienced parents for advice on managing life with two little ones – how to ensure they both get the attention they deserve, and most importantly, how to forgive myself when I can’t be everything for everyone.

When Everly came home, it seemed like things would be a breeze. Keegan was a natural helper, assisting with bottles and even throwing away diapers. But as Everly grew and needed more attention, coupled with Keegan’s newfound three-year-old tantrums and attitude, we found ourselves dealing with a mini pre-teen in the making. He wanted to test the waters to see who really ruled the roost, and while we like to think Nick and I run the show, it’s becoming clear that Keegan is a force to be reckoned with.

Simple Space Planning: A Lifesaver for Playtime

Now that Everly is more alert and active, we make every effort to encourage Keegan to play with his sister. But let’s be real, most days, Keegan has a ten-second attention span for anything that isn’t Hot Wheels, wrestling, or running around like a whirlwind. As he often reminds me, “it’s not cool, mommy” – the wisdom of a three-year-old.

So, to ensure we spend quality time with both kids simultaneously, we decided to rearrange our house to make it kid-friendly. I know some of you are rolling your eyes and swearing never to do that, but trust me, parenting changes you. You’ll do things you swore you wouldn’t. It happens to the best of us

Managing Milestones and Attention

When you’re trying to help your infant achieve milestones like rolling over, sitting up, tummy time, and those wobbly first steps, all while keeping up with your rambunctious three-year-old, simple space planning can be a lifesaver.

Additionally, we’ve started dedicating a few evenings a week to Keegan. Once Everly goes to bed, we let Keegan stay up just 30 minutes later. It’s a special time for Nick and me to focus solely on him without his little sister vying for our attention. Our doctor gave us this brilliant advice when I was pregnant, and it’s proven invaluable.

We also occasionally split up for errands – one parent takes Keegan while the other stays home with Everly. This gives Keegan the quality time he craves. Although, I must admit, taking a shopaholic three-year-old to Target can be an adventure on its own. We usually come out with a few extra unplanned toys that weren’t in the budget!

Becoming a parent of one changes your life, but becoming a parent of two turns you into a ringmaster. If you have any tips or tricks on how to juggle two or more kids, please share them in the comments below. We’re always eager to learn from others’ experiences and strive to become better parents every day.

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