
We started Raising Roots Together to share our journey of raising a family that we hope can connect a community of people with unique experiences. Our inspiration began when we found out the leading cause of our son being sick more often than not was due to food and other allergies, with him primarily allergic to soy. At the time, we’ve never met or heard of anyone being allergic to soy. When looking for tips on types of food to avoid or recommended products that are soy free, we found next to nothing online that clearly identified anything. Over time we’ve learned what things to avoid, products that are great for anyone with a food allergy, and formed a habit of identifying all ingredients of anything before we put it in or on our bodies. This led us to re-evaluating our own life style and the type of products we want to use when raising our family. We want to share what we have learned and are still learning about raising a family with a cleaner lifestyle that’s almost completely opposite of how we were raised. We hope our experiences are insightful and we can’t wait to connect with you!

